5' 2" height, 180 pounds weight
157 cm height, 82 kg weight (13 stone)
back to the photographic height / weight chart. | BMI - Body Mass Index | Age Chart: 1-100

Hi Rob! Long-time reader, first-time sender (oo, an LTRFTS)!
I saw you didn't have an entry on the height-weight chart for my category yet, so I thought I'd contribute some photos. :) I'm not quite 5'2", but I'm so close that I might as well be (definitely closer to 5'2" than 5'1"), and I'm 180 lbs on the dot at the moment. I am a fan of a Japanese subculture fashion called "lolita" or "gothic lolita," and in these photos, I'm wearing one of my outfits. A lot of people claim that only women with a certain body type (short and skinny) should be able to enjoy and wear this type of clothing, but I've found that women (and men!) of any shape and size can look great in the right outfits.
Of the two photos, one is the required front view, and the second is a supplemental not-quite-front, not-quite-side view.
Name: Emily L.
Height: 5'2"
Weight 179 (as of this morning, I may have been a couple pounds less in the attached photo, taken in May or June of '07)
Your chart is an awesome idea, and I figured I better submit a photo, since both boxes around my height/weight bracket were woefully blank :)
Please add my picture to the vacant 5' 2" 180lb spot.
Jeanne H.
180 pounds
I would like to submit my picture for inclusion in your height-weight body chart:
My name is Rachel M., I am 31 years old, 5 feet and 2 inches tall, and weigh 183 pounds.
My name is Estella B. My weight is 180 and height is 5 feet 2 inches.