5' 4" height, 140 pounds weight
163 cm height, 64 kg weight (10 stone)
Here's one with my children kind of blocking me:
My name is Peggy Hurley,
I am 5'4" and I weigh 135:
Here's a swimsuit shot, but I'm not standing up, so maybe you can't use it.
I love your project! Best of luck with it.
Peggy Hurley
Age 39
Madison, WI
Hi there. My name is Kamilla White and I'd like to contribute to your project. Attached is a photo of me. I am 5' 4" and about 140 pounds. This photo was taken at Burning Man 2004.

Here is a picture of me at 5'4", 140 pounds.
Cyndi S.

My name is Brittany.
I am 5' 4".
In this picture taken last summer, I am 135 lbs.
What a cool website!

Holly - 5' 4", 134 lbs. Dress Size: Sure i think its a seven.
ps. love your website. great costume ideas too!

Are you still looking for photos? Here is me at 5'4" and 145 lbs. This was taken after losing 110 pounds through diet and exercise.

Hello there!
I stumbled upon your website and I am so very thankful to have done so. Like many women, I struggle with my body image. After losing 80 pounds, I still think I'm bigger than I actually am. I am submitting my photo and hope you can use it on your website. I'm 5'4 here and 138/140 pounds.
Regards, Kara

I am 5'4 and 143 lbs.
I am extremely athletic and exercise often.
I'd love to help represent athletic, curvy women on the chart.
Hope the variety of pictures helps!!
21 years old.