5' 6" height, 150 pounds weight
168 cm height, 68 kg weight (11 stone)
hello there rob. here's my pic. info:
name: Anthony Lin
age: 21
height: 5'6"
weight: 150lbs
link to silly blog: http://www.xanga.com/flied_lice
i'd also like to take this time to say that your site is incredible. if the
internet was full of sites similar to yours, the world would be a better place.

I love what you are doing. I'm 28 5'6'. Both pictures were taken at the dead sea in Amman, Jordan.
In the swimsuit picture I'm the girl in the purple and brown suit. Hope this helps. I have always worked out but my diet is not the best.
Andrea from Dartmouth. Unfortunately, I lost Andrea's email.

Thank you for creating this site. I'm feeling overweight, especially since eating so much candy at the holidays. I was looking online for a picture of a real woman at my weight, to try to get an idea what I look like to others, to get a realistic image of myself. After wading through 100 sites arguing about whether Kirstie Allie on Oprah really weighed 145 pounds or not, I was so happy to find your site!
Just what I was looking for! I'm sending you my pictures, too, to support your project. One with regular clothes, the other in my dance costume (bellydance is my hobby). As I said in my subject line, I'm 5'6" and about 145 pounds.