5' 6" height, 170 pounds weight
168 cm height, 77 kg weight (12 stone)
Awesome site! Here's my pics... Name: Sean O'Connor Height: 5'6 Weight: 170 Founder of: http://ratingworld.com
Scroll Down to See More Photos
It looked like the slot for 170 lbs at 5'6" wasn't taken - this is me in a Hallowe'en costume, but, I thought I'd send it along all the same as I fit the bill!
I found you from : http://www.reddit.com/
Will this piccy do?
I'm Sarah C. (UK), 5 foot 6, 172 pounds, 32 years old.
Perhaps you can have groups of people to show how posture and clothing can make people of a similar height/weight look different?
Hi my name is Daphne I'm 5'6" and currently 170lbs and I'm loving it!!
It took me years to finally come to terms with my self image and I wouldn't change it for the world now.
Please find picture attached, also the link to intro page on that chart is broken.
My 5'6" picture at 172 lbs.
Kamran Chohdry
Hello Sir:
Here is my submission for your height weight chart. My name is Jenny, I am 32 years old and I weighed 174 lbs in this picture. I am 5' 6" tall. I was happy to see this site with real people at various weights, and I hope my picture is helpful. Thank You.