5' 6" height, 210 pounds weight, BMI:34
168 cm height, 95 kg, 15 stone weight

Hi, my name is Winifred, I noticed there were no pictures in the slot for 5'6" at 210-220 lbs. I'm 5 foot 6 inches and weigh about 215 lbs on a regular day. I have not always been this size, but absolutely love myself, although I wouldn't mind shedding a few pounds it wouldn't at all upset me if I were this size forever. I've notice that I'm much happier at this weight than I was at 161! Hopefully I can make it on your site just to be another example of beauty (:

I am 5'6" and weigh 100kg. Measurements are 50-45-42.

Hello, I saw you didn't have a woman for 5'6, 210 lbs.
In this pic, I am 213 lbs.
Cheers, Amanda
back to the photographic height / weight chart. | BMI - Body Mass Index

See a bunch of nearby weights at 5' 6" height