5' 11" height, 110 pounds weight
180 cm height, 50 kg weight (8 stone)
Dear cockeyed-team,
Your project ist very interesting, and I'm glad to have found your page.
I´m a student from Germany, and I suffer from bulimia since over ten years.
The photo shows me with 52 kg, which is not much because I´m 1,80 metres tall (5"11).
My picture isn´t like some of those skeleton-look-a-like-photos that are used in reports about anorexia, but you get a certain idea of what strict dieting/ purging may cause. It´s the only photo of my whole body because I used to consider me as a fat cow and so I avoided being photographed...
Since two years, I was able to gain about 8 kilos, to gain self-confidence, and I´m better now.
I just wish that my photo could show people what it means to be thin. It means to look (and to be!) unhealthy.
Hope to see me soon. ; )
Greetings and best wishes,