5' 11" height, 140 pounds weight
180 cm height, 64 kg weight (10 stone)
Hey Rob, I stumbled onto your page a little while ago (snopes provided me a link to your shaving Cream Can experiment, COOL). I think it is so cool, i like the pranks you have pulled. Well, anyways I thought i would contribute myself into your Height/Weight chart, seeing as you don't have a 5'11" at 140 lbs. Yeah, I am 5'11" and i weigh approx 140 lbs, depending on what part of the term it is (college! GO AUGIE! [augustana college])<- Looks like a calc eqn!. I am sending a pic of myself from when i was In brazil a couple summers ago. I am doing that -I am too lazy to put my backpack down for a decent pose- look. You can use the photo all you want, just dont photoshop any stupid things onto it like a picture of Hello Kitty. Ok, well i guess i should get studying for finals. Keep up the good work with the site. Oh yeah, one more thing, has there been any update on the Buy 2 - Get 1 free prank? I would go check it out myself but unfortunately i am in Illinois have sadly only seen the east coast. Have a Good day!
Photo was taken at the Foz Du Iguacu falls in brazil.

Hello, My name is Stephanie. I am 5'11 and weigh 140 pounds.
I sometimes get teased for being 'too skinny' I felt much better when I saw a man who is same height and weight as me.